Hand Grenade with Interchangeable Fragmentation Carrier Body US Patent T-Shirt

Fragmented Fashion: Hand Grenade Patent T-Shirt 1935 Edition

$    23.98
In stock
SKU C-31-7H

Embrace the explosive allure of history with our Hand Grenade Patent T-Shirt featuring the interchangeable fragmentation carrier body, straight from the US Patent archives of 1935. This tee is not just an accessory; it's a statement piece that blends vintage charm with military precision. The detailed patent graphic captures the essence of innovation, making it a distinctive choice for history enthusiasts, tactical minds, and those who appreciate unique fashion. Elevate your style with this explosive nod to the past, showcasing the intricacies of military design while making a bold statement. Unleash your fashion arsenal with this one-of-a-kind tee.
